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Sharyn Saftler MPH, RDN, CD



  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology 

  • Master of Public Health in Nutrition and Dietetics

  • Registered and Licensed Dietitian (since 2012)

  • Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

  • Health At Every Size Practitioner



  • Medical and Research Assistant

  • Personal Recovery from Eating Disorder(s)

  • Corporate Wellness Coach and Coordinator

  • Concierge Nutrigenomic Health Coach

  • Motivational Interviewing Mentor

  • Content Writer for Wellness Blogs

  • Facilitator:  Group Nutrition Education Classes

  • PEPS (Virtual) Group Leader for New Parents

  • 4 years of perinatal/postpartum nutrition for clients with PCOS



WHo I am

I'm a daughter/sister/wife/mom of two, book club and family bike enthusiast, and am powered by coffee, music, and (mostly)plants.


After years of roaming the US, Europe and Africa, I now get to call the beautiful Pacific Northwest home.

Let's Talk.

Redmond, WA 98052

Tel: 253-260-4250

  • LinkedIn

Woohoo! I'll get back to you soon!

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